Arts through it All Archive

Take action to ensure arts through it all. Leaders, advocates and voters across Colorado joined together on August 6, 2020, to make sure our elected officials know how important the arts are to our state and our country. Learn more about the Colorado Arts Action Day.
Support the Arts
Arts and culture are essential to Colorado’s economic and social vitality. It’s undeniable that artists, cultural organizations and creative businesses need your support, now more than ever, as they face major economic challenges due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many ways you can help the arts sector survive this challenging time, as well as continue to be enriched by Colorado’s artistic vibrancy. The values we support today will determine what we have when this is over.
- If you purchased tickets to a performance, exhibit or cultural event that’s been cancelled, do not ask for a refund. With cancelled performances, closed facilities, empty museums and postponed festivals, this income is desperately needed by those organizations.
- Donate directly to arts and cultural organizations you enjoy. Arts organizations need generous donors to help them make up for lost event revenue and sustain their operations now and into the future.
- If there are groups you already support philanthropically, and you still have the financial capacity to do so, consider increasing your gift.
- Invest now in your creative future and purchase gift certificates, subscriptions or memberships.
- Continue to take advantage of cultural programs. Many cultural organizations have introduced wonderful online programming – exhibitions, classes, concerts – including creative activities for kids and families at home.
- Buy art, music, merchandise… Many artists have e-commerce sites to sell their works. Support a local nonprofit or commercial gallery. Buy music from a local band. Get a sticker, mug or t-shirt that supports a cultural organization.
- Support creative businesses. Many small artisan businesses, including crafts, clothing, furniture, even artisanal food and spirits, are also facing enormous challenges. Even if their storefront is closed, most businesses have ways to buy local online.
- Hire an artist. Do you need graphic design work? Photo editing? Copywriting? Are there projects you can source to an artist working from their home? Invite an artist to perform on your next Zoom conference call!
- Be creative! Dance, sing, play (or learn) an instrument, draw, paint, write poetry, perform, make art. Express yourself.
Together we will all get through this! Your local arts organization’s employees and artists are your neighbors. They are struggling along with you, and they are there for you – THROUGH IT ALL!

Many of Colorado’s arts funders and agencies are pooling resources and distributing relief funds to individual artists and nonprofit organizations. Your support is needed to help grow these available funds.
COVID-19 Arts & Culture Relief Fund
As Denver arts & culture organizations are hit with an unprecedented loss in revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic, Bonfils-Stanton Foundation and The Denver Foundation have teamed up to create the COVID-19 Arts & Culture Relief Fund aimed at helping metro Denver small and mid-sized arts & culture organizations survive this crisis. Bonfils-Stanton Foundation has committed $1 million toward the COVID-19 Arts & Culture Relief Fund, administered by The Denver Foundation. Other early donors include The Denver Foundation, Denver Arts & Venues, Gates Family Foundation and PNC Bank, plus local arts philanthropists.
Colorado Artist Relief Fund
The Colorado Artist Relief Fund supports individual artists experiencing economic distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is a collaboration between multiple funders and arts organizations working at state, regional, and local levels. Current partners in this initiative are Denver Arts & Venues through the IMAGINE 2020 Artist Assistance Fund, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Colorado Creative Industries, and RedLine Contemporary Art Center. The partnership addresses the urgent need for timely and centralized support, streamlines relief efforts and increases funds for individual artists. The fund will pool private and public funding to be administered and distributed through RedLine.

Learn how to leverage the Arts through it All campaign in your communications strategies. Check out our webinar from June 4, 2020 to walk you through these tools and leverage them to support your work and organization.
Arts through it All Brand Toolkit & Communications Guidelines
To Colorado Arts Leaders and Advocates:
The current COVID-19 crisis is affecting arts and cultural organizations and artists throughout the state. It has become clear that in addition to the many financial relief efforts that are underway, there is a need for powerful, simple and consistent messaging around how Coloradans who care about arts and culture can support the sector. This message needs to also be relevant to every type and size of organization.
A coalition of organizations, including Bonfils-Stanton Foundation, Colorado Business Committee for the Arts, Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, Colorado Creative Industries, Denver Arts & Venues, and an array of local arts agencies and cultural districts, have been meeting regularly to strategize and share ideas. It became clear we were all delivering similar messages but not in a coordinated or consistent way.
We reached out to the marketing and branding agency Launch, which has worked with several cultural clients, and they graciously agreed to donate their services to quickly develop a campaign that could be used by all of us, as well as by any arts organization in Colorado. This campaign – Arts through it All – is now ready for you!
This guide contains all the tools you need to use this campaign in your own communications and outreach efforts – a graphic image and message that is available in multiple formats for websites, e-blasts, and social media. We have also provided an array of images you can drop into the campaign. Feel free to use one or a series to keep your communications fresh. We also invite you to incorporate a rights-managed image from your own organization, if you prefer.
If you would like to generate donations for your organization specifically, please use a link to your own website/donation portal as part of this campaign. If you would like to direct your audiences to a broader platform for more information on how to give, then please include the link, which is hosted on the (Colorado Business Committee for the Arts) website.
Either way, you’ll be guiding patrons on how they can support arts and culture during this challenging time. This downloadable toolkit contains all you need to join this campaign, and deliver the important message that the arts are there for us, through it all.
If you previously downloaded the toolkit and campaign assets, please use the new refreshed graphics, images and files.
Resnicow and Associates (R+A) has developed these Communications Guidelines to help cultural organizations leverage the Arts through it All campaign in their messaging, social media, fundraising and overall communications strategies. R+A is a leading international communications and consulting agency for arts and cultural organizations. Since its founding nearly thirty years ago, R+A has built a diverse roster of clients that encompasses museums and galleries, performing arts organizations, architecture and design firms, foundations, and universities, including many cultural institutions in Denver.
- Arts through it All Communications Guidelines
- Arts through it All Digital Best Practices
- Arts through it All FAQs
The Arts through it All campaign is grateful for the use of the following photographs from local arts organizations:
– Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus
– Museo de las Americas
– Rainbow Militia circus wagon with Tiffany Vieth and Rob Drabkin. Image by John Abramson
Artes a través de todo
A todos los dirigentes y promotores de artes en Colorado:
La actual crisis de COVID-19 está afectando a las artes y organizaciones culturales y artistas en todo Colorado. Ha quedado claro que, además de los muchos esfuerzos de ayuda financiera que ya están en marcha, es necesario compartir mensajes potentes, simples y consistentes sobre cómo los habitantes de Colorado que se preocupan por el arte y la cultura pueden apoyar al sector artístico. Ese mensaje también debe ser relevante para todo tipo y tamaño de organización.
Una coalición de organizaciones, incluida la Fundación Bonfils-Stanton, el Comité de Negocios de Colorado, el Distrito de Instalaciones Artísticas, Científicas y Culturales (SCFD), Denver Arts & Venues (la oficina de arte de Denver), Colorado Creative Industries y varias otras agencias artísticas y distritos culturales locales, se han reunido regularmente para crear estrategias y compartir ideas. Esas reuniones revelaron que todos estábamos entregando mensajes similares, pero no de manera coordinada o consistente.
Nos pusimos en contacto con Launch, una agencia de mercadeo y promoción de marcas, que ha trabajado con varios clientes culturales. La agencia gentilmente acordó donar sus servicios para desarrollar rápidamente una campaña que pudiéramos utilizar todos nosotros, así como cualquier organización de arte en Colorado. ¡Esta campaña, – Arts through it All (Artes a través de todo) – ahora está lista para ti!
Esta guía contiene todas las herramientas que necesitas para usar esta campaña en tus propios esfuerzos de comunicación y divulgación: una imagen gráfica y un mensaje que está disponible en múltiples formatos para sitios web, explosiones electrónicas y redes sociales. También proporcionamos una variedad de imágenes que puedes incluir en la campaña. Siéntete libre de usar una o una serie para mantener tus comunicaciones frescas. También te invitamos a incorporar una imagen con derechos propios de tu propia organización, si lo prefieres.
Si deseas generar donaciones para tu organización específicamente, utiliza un enlace a tu sitio web o portal de donación como parte de esta campaña. Si deseas dirigir tu público a una plataforma más amplia para obtener más información sobre cómo donar, incluye el enlace, que está alojado en el sitio web (Comité de Negocios de Colorado por las Artes). De cualquier manera, tú guiarás a los clientes sobre cómo pueden apoyar las artes y la cultura durante este momento desafiante.
Este kit de herramientas descargable contiene todo lo que necesitas para unirse a esta campaña y transmitir el importante mensaje de que las artes están ahí para nosotros, a través de todo.
- Pautas para la marca Artes a través de Todo
- Imágenes y archivos para la campaña Artes a través de Todo
Si ya descargó el paquete (kit) de herramientas, utilice los nuevos gráficos, imágenes y archivos actualizados. Nuevo kit de herramientas con gráficos actualizados estará disponible próximamente.
Resnicow and Associates (R + A) ha desarrollado estas Pautas (Guías) de Comunicación para ayudar a las organizaciones culturales a aprovechar la campaña Arts through it All (Artes a través de Todo) en sus estrategias de mensajes, redes sociales, recaudación de fondos y comunicaciones generales. R + A es una agencia internacional líder en comunicaciones y una consultoría para organizaciones artísticas y culturales. Desde su fundación hace casi treinta años, R + A ha creado una lista diversa de clientes que abarca museos y galerías, organizaciones de artes escénicas, firmas de arquitectura y diseño, fundaciones y universidades, incluidas muchas instituciones culturales en Denver.
- Arte a través de Todo Recomendaciones y Pautas de Comunicaciones
- Arte a través de Todo Mejores Prácticas Digitales
- Arte a través de Todo Preguntas Frecuentes
La campaña Arts through it All (Artes a través de Todo) agradece el uso de las siguientes fotografías de organizaciones artísticas locales:
– Museo de Niños de Denver en el Campus Marsico
– Museo de las Américas
– Carro de circo de Rainbow Militia con Tiffany Vieth y Rob Drabkin. Imagen de John Abramson
Virtual Arts & Cultural Experiences
There are numerous ways we can ensure that arts, culture and creativity remain a part of our lives despite the need for social distancing. Here is a growing list of virtual arts experiences, such as online dance classes, live streamed concerts, creative activities for kids, recorded theatre performances and virtual gallery tours. Most of these opportunities are free. If you are able, consider a financial contribution to the arts provider so they can continue creating now and in the future.