Member Highlight: Plante Moran 2019

Popular thinking would have you believe that numbers and art don’t easily combine, yet one of the leading public accounting companies in the country is dedicated to proving just the opposite, particularly with its presence along the Front Range. Plante Moran, an accounting, tax, business advisory, and wealth management firm with offices in Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins, includes a focus on giving back to arts and culture nonprofits throughout the state. A Patron Member of CBCA, Plante Moran supports dozens of cultural nonprofits that make Colorado such a vibrant place to live and work.
“At Plante Moran, one of our core values is that ‘We care.’ We care about our clients, we care about each other, and we care about the communities in which we live and work,” said Joe Bertsch , the Regional Managing Partner of Plante Moran. “We may be ‘numbers’ people to some, but that hardly scratches the surface of our generous hearts and how we live out “We Care” in ways that are designed to reflect our values, lift others, and contribute to our local and global communities. We roll up our sleeves as part of a greater mission to share our time, talent, and treasure.”
In addition to its support of CBCA and dozens of other nonprofits, Plante Moran’s patronage can be seen across the Front Range from the Denver Art Museum and the Denver Zoo to the Fort Collins Symphony and the Colorado Children’s Chorale. The company supports these organizations because they are such a vital part of our communities. Plante Moran recognizes its successes are tied directly to the success of the communities they serve.
“Denver is an incredible city. It’s a place where people want to live, and businesses want to call home. And our vibrant and attractive art community is part of what makes our city so attractive. It’s core to who we are, and Plante Moran wants to support that,” Bertsch said.
The firm, which has a relatively new presence in Colorado after the merger between Plante Moran and EKS&H, is fully committed to partnering with nonprofits throughout the state. As a Patron supporter of CBCA, it’s playing a pivotal role in supporting the intersection of arts and business, with the hopes of continuing to be part of the discussion and having an impact on the city’s future successes.
“CBCA is a great organization that not only supports the arts in Colorado but also brings together some of the area’s most influential leaders with a goal of enhancing our cultural community to make our city stronger,” he said.