Tools for the Creative Life: Securing and Making the most of Funded Opportunities

From the application process, concept development, production and installation, get tips and insights.
Local artist, Phillip Stearns, gives an artist talk about his latest installation, OPEN VAULT: THE MARKET, that was produced and presented as part of Rino Arts District’s NO VACANCY project this spring. From the application process, concept development, production and installation, hear about all the work that went in and get tips and insights from some of the failures and last minute changes.
Bio: Phillip Stearns (He/Him) is a Denver based electronic artist working with both physical and digital media. His practice uses media and technology to surface realities that reside just beyond our sense perceptions but are integral to our daily existence. His concept driven work is often the result of a dialogue with peculiarities of specific media and takes many forms including single channel video, multichannel audio, audio-visual performance, digital weavings, and immersive installations. Phillip earned his MFA in music from the California Institute of the Arts and has performed and exhibited work internationally in art festivals, museums, and galleries including Transfer Gallery, Tate Britain, Park Avenue Armory, NYU Abu Dhabi Art Gallery, ELEKTRA BIAN, Transmediale, FILE, Festival de Arte Digital, Thoma Foundation, Denver Art Museum, Zhangzhou Museum of Art and Haus Der Elektronischen Künste.
Tools for the Creative Life is a workshop series aimed at providing creatives with connection, new skills, inspirational capital and tools to craft a healthy creative ecosystem. Presented in partnership by the RiNo Art District, Transforming Creatives, CBCA, the Creative Integration Initiative, and the Denver Public Library.
While this is a free event, please register in advance as there is limited capacity!