Colorado Gives Day is just around the corner. The LAAN Committee wanted to let you know that you can specifically direct funds to support the Leadership Arts Alumni Network (LAAN). Perhaps you’ve been to some of the great events we’ve had in the past like rooftop parties at the Art Museum Residences and behind the scenes at Colorado Ballet. These amazing events are not about fundraising; they’re designed to keep alumni connected to each other and to our cultural community.  LAAN activities are made possible through minimal ticket fees, sponsorships… and you donations.

How can you donate, you ask?

When: Start scheduling your donation now! Colorado Gives Day is on Tuesday, December 6th.

How: Go to and when you donate, there is a drop down menu that says “Where do you want your donation directed?” Select: Leadership Arts Alumni Network


Why: Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the $1 Million Incentive Fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated.

What else: Our goal is to raise $2,500 before the end of the calendar year.

Thank you in advance for your support!