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Become a Member

Awards Luncheon Almost Sold Out

Registration closes April 1! Join us for the 2025 Business for the Arts Awards luncheon on Tuesday, April 22 from 11:00 am – 1:30 pm at the Seawell Ballroom, Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA). Tickets and tables sell out every year. Purchase yours before it’s too late!

Save 15% on your first year of CBCA Membership

Four CBCA members smile at a networking event.

Membership is the perfect way to support CBCA, get involved at the intersection of arts and business, and engage in Colorado’s cultural community. Now through April 30, you can save 15% on your first year of annual membership with promo code NewMember15.

Register for the Leadership Arts Board Fair

A woman sitting at a table at a job fair enthusiastically shakes hands with a visitor. The table is filled with pamphlets and flyers. In the background, other people are engaged in conversations. The atmosphere is lively and friendly.

The Leadership Arts Board Fair and Graduation Celebration is the culmination of the 2024-2025 Leadership Arts program. Join us on Wednesday, May 14 at the Arvada Center.

The Board Fair is an opportunity for arts and cultural nonprofits of all sizes and types to meet Leadership Arts graduates and start the conversation about volunteer service and engagement. Registration is due by April 25.

All past Leadership Arts graduates are invited and encouraged to attend!

Check out Colorado’s Arts Policy Framework

Infographic titled

Colorado’s Arts Policy Framework is a compilation of diverse perspectives on the value and potential of our state’s creative community. It is intended to provide a coordinated, intentional and inclusive advocacy voice and roadmap for Colorado’s arts & culture sector. Check out the desire impact, values and priorities and get involved!

Sign up for the Colorado Arts Action Network (CAAN)

Illustrated poster with a hand holding a microphone on the left. Text reads

Be an Advocate for the Arts! Sign up for the Colorado Arts Action Network (CAAN)and lend your voice to support arts in Colorado.  You can ensure that arts, culture and the creative industries are valued and supported by policymakers and voters, resulting in economically vibrant, healthy, and equitable communities throughout our state.

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