World IP Day Panel: Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

In keeping with this year’s World IP Day theme, IP & SMEs: Taking Your Ideas to Market, the Copyright Alliance is pleased to host a panel discussion featuring representatives from Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA) groups across the country, including CBCA’s Colorado Attorneys for the Arts program. The panel will focus on how VLA groups support creators and their businesses by providing copyright information to help ensure their rights and fuel their growth. Follow the Copyright Alliance’s Facebook page for updates on the panel, as well as to attend the event at 1:00 pm ET, 11:00 am MT on April 28.

Learn about all the VLAs participating on this panel:  The Ella Project: New OrleansVolunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts: St. LouisVolunteer Lawyers for the Arts New YorkGreater Pittsburgh Arts CouncilPhiladelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the ArtsCalifornia Lawyers for the ArtsArts and Business Council NashvilleArts and Business Council BostonSpringboard for the Arts (Minnesota), Colorado Attorneys for the Arts, and Lawyers for the Creative Arts (Chicago).