Street Art and Copyrights

@CaseyKawagushi. Artist: Daniel Schrock
Join CBCA’s Colorado Attorneys for the Arts and CRUSH at Ratio Beerworks for a talk about the complex relationship between street art and the legal system. This conversation is open to everyone, whether you are a mural artist or a frequent selfie-taker in front of a beautiful piece of artwork.
CRUSH is Colorado’s largest independent graffiti and street art project and event. This year’s festival takes place on September 11-17 throughout the RiNo Arts District.
About the Speaker
Dave Rein
Attorney, Erickson Kernell IP
Dave Rein is an attorney with Erickson Kernell IP. Dave provides creative solutions for mid-size and start up companies to acquire, maintain, and monetize their copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents with a focus on emerging technologies, architecture, visual arts, food processing, and the energy industry. He was also a founding Board member of Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts. Dave lives in Denver and now volunteers with Colorado Attorneys for the Arts and the 40 West Arts District.