Street Art and Copyrights: What Muralists, Business Owners and the Public Need to Know

Artist: Hiero Veiga (@hieroveiga) Colfax Canvas 2020
Colfax Canvas Mural Festival is partnering with Colorado Attorneys for the Arts (CAFTA) to talk all things copyright and how it intersects with street art in a community. Bring your burning questions, such as: Who owns the copyright in a mural? What rights does the artist have? What rights does the building or business owner have? What about photographing or sharing an image of the mural? This interactive workshop is designed for artists, property managers, business owners and the public to learn together.
This is a free event at The People’s Building. Registration is strongly encouraged to attend in-person. Masks are mandatory inside The People’s Building if not actively eating or drinking. This event will also be live-streamed on the Colfax Canvas Facebook page.
About the Speaker
Dave Rein
Attorney, Erickson Kernell IP
Dave Rein is an attorney with Erickson Kernell IP. Dave provides creative solutions for mid-size and startup companies to acquire, maintain, and monetize their copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents with a focus on emerging technologies, architecture, visual arts, food processing, and the energy industry. He was a founding Board member of Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts. Dave volunteers with Colorado Attorneys for the Arts (CAFTA) and Mi Casa Resource Center and serves on the Board of 40 West Arts District along West Colfax.