Pivot! How to change business models and find new opportunities, even in crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing how all artists work. What do you do next when your creative industry is upended? In this webinar, we’ll explore solutions and strategies that cover the following:
- Dig deep to identify new clients
- Pitch your creative skillset in new industries
- Re-engage with old networks
- Build strategies for content development and delivery
This webinar is open to anyone, but specifically targeting freelance artists, performers and creatives.
Questions may be submitted in advance to main@cbca.org
This webinar will be led by Briana Harris. Bri is a Greeley-based musician, artist manager, and entrepreneur with a focus on empowering creatives to do their best work. A saxophonist by trade, Bri believes in the power of artists to offer creative solutions for the world’s most challenging problems.