Dissolving & Merging Cultural Organizations

As the economic effects of COVID-19 wear on, some organizations are wondering whether they might be able to better serve their mission by joining forces with other like-minded organizations. Others are wondering if a future is even possible. This webinar will explore various approaches to merging or dissolving organizations, and delves into the difficult considerations that some of our state’s cultural organizations are now having to make. In August 2019, the Firehouse Art Center and Art Walk Longmont merged their organizations with the help of Colorado Attorneys for the Arts (CAFTA). Discover what considerations went into this decision, the process of combining two arts organizations and hear from the creative professionals and lawyers who qualify this merger as a success.
Brandy Coons :: Curator, Firehouse Art Center
Eric Kintner :: Partner, Snell & Wilmer
Deborah Jordy :: Executive Director, SCFD